

Ocenění v roce 2024

"Urban ring road Křimická (Chebská) - Karlovarská in Plzeň" was awarded within the the competition Czech Transport Construction, Technology, Innovation of the Year 2023 in the category Motorway and Road Construction above 150 mil. CZK. We participated in this construction.
"I/27 Šlovice - Přeštice, relocation" won the Public Award within the competition Czech Transport Construction, Technology, Innovation of the Year 2023 (the construction received the most votes in the on-line poll on the official website of the competition).
"I/27 Šlovice - Přeštice, relocation" won the Award of the Stavebnictví magazine within the competition Czech Transport Construction, Technology, Innovation of the Year 2023.
"I/27 Šlovice - Přeštice, relocation" was also awarded the Jury Prize within the competition Czech Transport Construction, Technology, Innovation of the Year 2023.

Ocenění v roce 2023

"Urban road ring Křimická (Chebská) - Karlovarská in Plzeň" won the Prize of the Minister of Transport for a unique structural solution of an important transport construction.
"I/19 Chýnov" won the Prize of The Road and Motorway Directorate within the competition Czech Transport Construction, Technology, Innovation of the Year 2022 in the category Motorway and Road Construction over 150 mil. CZK.
"Extension of the Střechov rest area, 52.0 km D1, left" won the SFDI Award within the competition Czech Transport Construction, Technology, Innovation of 2022. The prize was awarded for the reconstruction of the existing motorway rest area.
"I/3 Olbramovice relocation" was awarded within the Competition Czech Transport Construction, Technology, Innovation of the Year 2022 in the category Motorway and Road Construction over 150 mil. CZK and won also the Prize of the Association of Building Entrepreneurs in the Czech Republic.

Ocenění v roce 2021

"I/3 Benešov - U Topolu intersection” was awarded the title Construction of the year in the Central Bohemian region from CNN Prima NEWS, based on public voting.
"D6 Nové Strašecí - Řevničov” was awarded within the competition Czech transport construction, technology, innovation of the year 2020 with the prize of Czech transport company in the category Motorway and road constructions above 150 mil. CZK
"D6 Nové Strašecí - Řevničov” was awarded within the competition Czech transport construction, technology, innovation of the year 2020 with the prize of the Department of Transport in the category Motorway and road constructions above 150 mil.CZK
"Expansion of the rest parking Střechov, D1, 52 km - right side” was awarded the title Czech transport construction, technology, innovation of the year 2020 in the category Motorway and road constructions up to 150 mil. CZK
“Modernisation and widening of motorway D1, part 19” was awarded the title Czech transport construction, technology, innovation of the year 2020 in the category Motorway and road constructions above 150 mil. CZK

Ocenění v roce 2020

II/272 Lysá nad Labem, reconstruction of bridge 272-006

Ocenění v roce 2019

Motorway D3 0309/III Borek - Úsilné” was awarded the title “PRESTA” - prestigious construction of the South Bohemian region.

Ocenění v roce 2018

D4 Skalka - intersection II/118”, Příbram was awarded with the prize of the Czech Road and Motorway Directorate for the year 2017 in category AI.I - road and motorway constructions above 150 mil. CZK
II/150 Brzotice, reconstruction of the bridge 150-012” was awarded the title Czech traffic construction, traffic technology and considerable innovation in traffic of the year 2017 in category A1.2 - road and motorway contructions up to 150 mil. CZK
Road 1/44 Červenohorské sedlo - south” was awarded the prize Czech traffic construction, traffic technology and considerable innovation in traffic of the year 2017 of the magazine Stavitel in the category AI.I - road and motorway constructions above 150 mi

Ocenění v roce 2017

D8-Radejčín tunnel” was awarded with the prize of the magazine Stavitel in the contest Czech traffic construction, traffic technology and significant innovation in traffic of the year 2016 in category AI.I - road and motorway constructions above 150 mil. CZK
“I/9, I/16 Mělník bypass, 1. construction” was awarded with the prize of the Union of industry and transport of the Czech republic in the contest Czech traffic construction, traffic technology and significant innovation of the year 2016 in category AI.2 - road and motorway constructions up to 150 mil. CZK
II/275 Křinec, bridge reg. No. 275-010” was awarded the SFDI prize in the contest Czech traffic construction, traffic technology and considerable innovation in traffic of the year 2016 in category AI road and motorway constructions.

Ocenění v roce 2016

R35 MÚK Opatovice, completion of the elevated road” was awarded with the prize of the Road and Motorway Directorate of the Czech rep. in the contest Czech traffic construction, traffic technology and significant innovation in traffic of the year 2015 in category A - traffic constructions

Ocenění v roce 2015

Motorway D3 0308A Soběslav - Veselí nad Lužnicí and D3 0308B bridge over Lužnice” was awarded with the prize of the Road and Motorway Directorate of the Czech rep. in the contest Czech traffic construction, traffic technology and significant innovation in traffic of the year 2014 in category A - traffic constructions

Ocenění v roce 2014

R7 MÚK Droužkovice - MÚK Nové Spořice” was awarded the title Czech traffic construction, traffic technology and significant innovation in traffic of the year and the prize of The Czech Chamber of Authorised Construction Engineers and Technicians for the project designer for year 2013 in the category Traffic constructions

Ocenění v roce 2013

R6 Nové Sedlo - Sokolov” was awarded the title Czech traffic construction, traffic technology and significant innovation in traffic and the prize of the Czech road society for year 2012 in category A Traffic constructions

Ocenění v roce 2012

Motorway D1, construction 0135 Kroměříž východ - Říkovice” was awarded the title Czech traffic construction, traffic technology and significant innovation in traffic for year 2011 in category A Traffic constructions

Ocenění v roce 2011

Road circuit around Prague, part 512” was awarded the prize of the mayor of the city of Prague in the constest Czech traffic construction of the year 2010 in category A Traffic constructions
Bridge over Vltava on the motorway circuit around Prague” was awarded the title Czech traffic construction of the year 2010 in category A Traffic constructions
SOKP 513 Vestec-Lahovice” was awarded the title Czech traffic construction of the year 2010 in category A Traffic constructions